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Unexpected Chances Page 9
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Page 9
But, of course, not take her down with him.
I’ll stay the night with her to occupy my mind, once I focus on her I don’t have to think about my problems. Being the person I am, I’ve learned how to switch my feelings on and off.
Angela can’t know about Carter. This would open things up for a month-long lecture, and I don’t need to hear it. I have a plan to ignore him and move on. My focus is back on me and where I plan to go in the future. Not a man who has slipped into my dreams.
Barging into Angela’s apartment, I make myself comfortable. She knows I’m a force to be reckoned with.
Listening to her all night and seeing the gleam of happiness in her eyes, I realize I haven’t seen that in her for years. She’s found her one true soul mate.
“Could it be possible?” I ask myself, as I listen to her whilst daydreaming of Carter and his blue eyes.
“Are you listening or just that tired?”
“Sorry, yeah I’m a little tired I guess. Plus, you’ve thrown a ton of shit at me tonight.”
“No I’ve only thrown one thing at you and shocked you with another,” Angela states, as she gets up and starts turning everything off for the night.
“Maybe a little warning or something would have been nice,” I state
“Okay, next time I decide to jump into bed with someone, I’ll send out an emergency text to you. Does that work?”
“No we need a code. Like a quick text with numbers. That could be our code from here on out.”
“There is no here on out lady, so cool it. It was once, and I’ll come clean and we’ll work through it.”
“No we still need a code. I’ll come up with it tomorrow.”
“What you will come up with tomorrow is a new schedule for yourself. I’m serious about making you partner. I should have done this years ago. You’re ready and you need something to keep you out of trouble.”
“I don’t find trouble,” I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.
“You do and I have the perfect account for you to start with. Let me set it all up and I’ll fill you in this week on it,” she happily states, as she climbs into bed, leaving me wondering if she’s lost all her marbles.
“I still haven’t accepted, you know.”
“I know, but you will. You owe me.”
“Owe you for what?”
“The name. Simple as that, I took your crazy name from that pot and told you that one day you would owe me. Well, I’m cashing in now.”
Taking the pillow from under my head, I toss it over me and smack her with it. “Ugh… You will never let me live that down, will you?”
“You do this, then we are even.”
“I’ll think about it,” I say, as I turn over onto my side, trying to go to sleep but with everything today my mind is racing a mile a minute.
Sleep never came last night. All I could do was picture the look on Tabitha’s face and the taste of her lips.
Dragging today, I somehow managed to catch my flight in time and get to the office. Kelly hands me all the messages she took while I was away and I notice the last one’s from Angela Stephens.
Curious to why she was calling, I head off to my office and dial her number.
“Angela Stephens speaking,” she says, as she answers her phone.
“Angela, Carter Northwood here. I had a message to call you as soon as I got in.”
“Yes, thank you for calling me back today. I’ve had a few things come up and would like to talk to you about Tabitha Michaelson taking over your account. I’ve just recently promoted her, and she kindly accepted this offer.”
I prop my feet up onto my desk and lean back with a smile spread across my face, “Why I’m sure it will be okay. I’ll let the board know the change of contact. How do we move forward with this now?” I ask, trying to mask my happiness with the changes.
“It should be a smooth transition. Tabitha’s been with me from the start and it shouldn’t take her long to jump right in. If you’re sure with everything I can go ahead and hand over the files. I have another account that we’re working on as well that I just arrived back from. I can always switch and have her take that over instead. Our main concern is that you feel comfortable working with another person.”
“I don’t see any reason for it not to be okay. I’ll let you know by the end of the day,” I say, as we close our conversation.
Sitting back, I wonder how this will evolve our relationship, well the one that I’d like to see form.
“Kelly can you come in here?” I call out from my desk.
“Yes, Mr. Northwood?”
“Could you order some flowers and have them sent to Ms. Tabitha Michaelson at SHI? Have the card read; looking forward to working with you.”
Kelly looks at me a little strange before answering, “Yes, right away.”
Pretty sure this will burst her little bubble. I wonder if Tabitha agreed to this willing or does she have a clue yet about the new working arrangements.
The day has dragged along, the last time I checked I had another two hours before it was time to head home. Kelly has reminded me of a dinner tonight that I’m trying to forget about.
Just when I go to pinch the bridge of my nose, I hear some commotion coming from the door.
“Carter, why are you still here and not getting ready?” Bethany sings out in her harsh tone.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Northwood. I tried to tell her you were busy,” Kelly’s saying as she trails behind her.
“It’s fine, Kelly. I know how she doesn’t listen,” I spit out, in Bethany’s direction as I notice her making herself comfortable in the chair located before my desk.
“Oh, Carter no reason to stop me from entering my husband’s office. Plus we have business to speak about.”
Standing I head over to close the door to my office, “Last time I checked you had to live together to be a unit of matrimony. Pretty sure that’s never been the case, and I dang sure haven’t sealed the deal with you over the years.” My voice is laced with pure venom for this woman.
Sitting back behind my desk, I take Bethany in.
It only makes me chastise myself even more for being involved with her in the first place. How did I ever at any point have feelings for this cold hearted person sitting in front of me?
“Bethany, why are you here? You never come to my office.”
“I was concerned with your whereabouts the last few days.”
“The hell you were, cut the crap and get to it. I have work to do.”
“See, Carter I need to know how much longer you plan to hold on to this crazy notion that I will grant you a divorce. I’m here to tell you that you need to call off the lawyers. It’s not happening today or anytime soon. You need to remember that the day you signed, you signed your life over to us.”
Just as she’s getting started, my cellphone rings. My blood is boiling until I see her name on the screen.
I don’t inform Bethany to shut up, I hit the answer button and turn around in my chair. “Carter speaking.”
“How dare you go behind my back and work your way into making me work with you,” Tabitha screams, on the other end at me. Hearing her voice all high pitched and full of anger, it excites me. I just wish she was standing in front of me. I’d know how to shut her up real quick.
“Ms. Michaelson, I’m sorry I’m in the middle of a meeting right now and will have to call you back in regards to the contract.”
“Bull shit you’re in a meeting. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work.” Is the last thing I hear before the blank tone running through the phone? I look down at the screen, noticing she’s hung up.
“Carter, I’m a busy person who doesn’t have time for this madness you are trying to create. Daddy would like us to fix this, and move on. I’ll have my assistant move my things to your apartment by the end of the week.
I fling myself out of my chair, slamming my hands down onto my desk.
“The hell you will!” I growl at Bethany.
“Why you can’t expect me to keep living on my own, can you?”
“Yes. You will stay in that place that not only did I build, but I pay for as well. You… Will... Not... step a foot into my place. Do you understand me? You can have everything, if that’s what you think you are entitled to, but you are not having my name for another day.”
Bethany stands up, tossing her coat over her arm, “We will see about that, Carter. I’m sure daddy will be in touch soon. Oh and since I see that you are worked up, why don’t you skip tonight. No reason to cause worry amongst the press.”
Mentally I throw daggers in to her back as she walks out of my office, slamming the door in her wake.
It’s time I have a talk in person with Richard, my lawyer. I need to pull out all the stops and do it fast.
Bethany could cause me to lose everything, and not just my business.
I could lose what I’m building with Tabitha as well.
I should call her back, but I can’t let on the stress that’s aroused today.
Chapter Eighteen
It’s been a week since I last spoke to Carter, well I yelled at him through the phone. Every day since I’ve received flowers. This has earned me strange looks from Angela. The delivery person walks into the office, and I reach out and read the cards. Walk over and shred them and toss the flowers into the trash can.
This morning, she tried to snatch the card from my hands, but I managed to shred it before she could read it.
“Why do you keep tossing them? Tell Cory to stop.”
“They’re not from Cory,” I answer, not looking in her direction.
I hear her get comfortable in the chair by my desk, “Oh, who’s this lucky guy?”
“Tabitha, what is it with you and machines? Look right here at the screen. It’s telling you what’s wrong.” She directs me to look over and I know it does, but I’m frustrated. Not with just the machine, but with this whole new job crap. I hope she changes her mind and lets me go to New York instead.
“You’ve been weird this week. Are you upset with what’s going on with me?”
“No. I’m just stressed. Cory is still avoiding me, and Seth is mad and you have done a complete transition,” I let slip out, as a few tears well up into my eyes.
“Come here,” she says, as she opens her arms for me to come over to her. “You’ll fix everything with Cory in time. He’s heartbroken and I’m sure he misses you just as much. Plus you need to stop fretting over me. I’m going to be fine, and you know that.”
“I don’t know if Cory and I will ever be able to go back. I’ve been avoiding them all.”
“You will if it’s meant to be. Just let him cool off. You two are perfect for each other. But when a man’s ego gets bruised they take a little while to lick thier wounds.”
“If you say so. When do I have to go and meet with Georgia’s Inc.?”
“I’m happy you are ready to take this step. You’ll love him and his assistant.”
“Stop beating around the bush and just tell me.”
“Tomorrow!” I scream at her. “Are you nuts? You could have told me the other day. How about let’s not rush anything.”
“Stop freaking out. You do this every day for me, and you know what to do. Go clean up your crap of a desk then go home. Before you leave, come get your packet. I made all your reservations, and have the first walk through I’ve done in the notes.”
“Fine,” I say, as I stomp away. I’m not ready to deal with this yet; I need another few weeks to sulk and be miserable before Carter makes me feel again.
Shoving all my papers away, I pack my computer up and head off to Angela’s office. She has no idea what she’s asking me to do. I have between now and tomorrow morning to pull it together and dig deep within to find my resistance for this man.
Confirming Tabitha’s arrival tomorrow took a little more time than what I’d hoped, but I couldn’t press the issue or someone would suspect something was going on.
I have one last thing to do today before calling it quits.
Meeting with my lawyer Richard in regards to the next step to take with Bethany.
I pull out the papers from my safe and stuff them into my briefcase. This should suffice as enough evidence on the blackmail charges and prove that we’ve never consummated our marriage. Richard is working to have at least separation papers filed by the end of the week.
Personally I don’t give a damn, as long as I’m free of her and the entire Edwards clan.
The statute of limitations has passed on being forced, but I have a copy of her birth certificate showing Bethany was 17 when we married. Hence, the reason to apply on the age at the time of marriage.
If all goes as planned, this certificate and a written agreement between myself and Mr. Edwards should move my case right along. Years ago when we started this battle of divorce, I’d asked to have it annulled. Now I need to wash my hands altogether. I don’t care if this will be considered my first marriage and my father calls it a failure.
It’s a complete failure on his part as a father, how could he agree to this all those years ago. Just to move ahead and become known. I’d never use my child as leverage or a pawn.
That’s what I’ve become a pawn for the future to him.
The joke is now on them all. I call checkmate; it’s time to end this game. We ran out of timeout’s a few years back, and I’m off the sidelines as I throw myself head first into the game.
Chapter Nineteen
My head is running around in circles. I keep thinking back to how I lost myself while dating Robert. I became who he wanted me to be, always second guessing myself and hoping for approval.
This is what my head thinks as I walk into Georgia’s Inc. this morning. I made sure to dress in the new black dress Angela bought me in New York and paired it with my gold heels and accessories.
“You will own this meeting, Tabitha Jean Michaelson. You will not allow him to get to you. This is your job and you will kick ass even in heels,” I say out loud to myself during the elevator ride up to 11th floor.
With the sound of the ding and doors opening, I let out a huge breath of air and step off onto the wood floors.
Greeted by a small framed brunette, “You must be Ms. Michaelson,” She states, as she reaches out for my hand.
“Yes, I have a meeting with Mr. Northwood,” I say, in response and shake her hand.
“He’s running a little late but asked that I show you to his office.”
“Okay,” I say, as I follow her to his office.
On the way I take the opportunity to look around. The office is small but open. Blueprints are framed along the walls and pictures of what I can only assume to be his completed projects.
“Please make yourself comfortable. I’ve placed coffee and water on the table. He should be arriving at any moment,” she says, as she backs out of the office.
Placing my briefcase down, I’m in awe of his office. It’s simple and him. The air smells of him, and I can picture Carter sitting behind his desk at night working on his next design.
He has a drafting table up against one side and a leather sofa on the other. In the middle is his messy desk, which resembles mine on any given day.
I don’t notice any personal pictures but his walls are dressed with skyscrapers, and a beautiful drawing of the Golden Gate Bridge. As I step over to look closer, my heart stops when I notice it’s signed by him.
My fingers reach out to run across the glass where he has signed his name.
“You like?” I hear from behind causing me to startle.
“This is yours?” I ask, in confusion. I wasn’t aware that he did the designs; maybe I don’t know him at all.
“I did,” he says closing the distance between us. Carter reaches up and brushes a few strands of hair out of my face.<
br />
Turning back to look at the wall, “It’s beautiful. It’s one of my favorite bridges and you really captured the history with this drawing.
“You are beautiful. Standing here in my office with this admiring look upon your face. You truly took my breath away when I walked in.”
“Stop trying to flatter me, Carter. I’m here for business and business only.”
“I’m stating a fact, Tabitha, and you need to learn to take a compliment from me. I don’t give them without merit.”
“Let’s get down to business then, shall we.” I say as I walk away from him trying to gather my senses. This man is so much more than I thought he was. He’s passionate about things and has a way with creating something that no one else could.
The drawing of the bridge shows both beauty and pain. The fog behind the bridge is dark, like a storm cloud hovering in the sky.
“I’d like to do a complete walk through of one of your complexes today. Get the feel of the place, and then we can go over what you envision. I know Angela has already done this, but since I’m being forced to take this project, I need to know everything and see it for myself,” I say, not stopping to catch my breath.
“Slow down, Tabitha. We have time. I’d like to show you around the office then we can head out and take a look around.”
Turning to face him, “Okay,” Is all I get out.
“Look at these drawings I have here,” he says, as he gestures for me to look at the drafting table.
Looking down, I’m confused to what I see. “What’s this?”
“This is my dream house. A place I’ve been designing for years. One day I will build it and then most likely sell the place.”
“Why would you sell a place like this? Especially if it’s your dream?” I ask, looking at the magnificent drawing.
“It’s nothing if you don’t have someone to share it with. Why live in something that depresses you?”
He’s so close to me that I feel his breath upon my face as he’s explaining the design. “You’re really good, Carter. I didn’t know you did all this.”